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'Fluorescence' means a glow which emerges from particular diamonds when they are exposed to ultraviolet light. It is induced by fragment amounts of Boron present in the diamond. Fluorescence is not required in a white diamond as it presents a hazy effect, but it can improve the appearance of diamonds that keep traces of specific colours.
Anatomy of Diamond
When you plan to spend a reasonable sum of money you want to make sure that you are purchasing a correct diamond. The anatomy of Diamonds that embeds five essential sections helps you understand the different parts to pick the real piece of diamond with purity for that precious person in your life.
Diamond Carat
Carat weight is the unique unit which is used to measure the weight of diamonds, gemstones and pearls. One Carat is equal to 200 milligrams. The word 'Carat' could have possibly come from the Carob Seeds which were used as the weight standard in the early ages.
Clarity is one of the 4Cs of diamonds. Clarity of diamonds is determined based on the internal characteristics called inclusions and the surface defects known as blemishes. The clarity grade is assigned depending on the general appearance of the stone under ten times magnification. Most of these clarity traits does not affect the structural integrity or performance of a gem quality diamond.
Colour is one of the 4Cs of diamonds and is very important in determining the beauty and price of diamonds. Colour grading of diamonds based on the absence of colour. The colour here in diamond grading refers to the colourlessness which means the evaluation of diamond colour based on the absence of colour in the diamond.
Diamonds Cut Grade
A diamond's cut is the most critical aspect of the 4 C's of Diamond quality; therefore it is vital to understand how the value of a diamond is affected by this quality. A perfectly cut diamond exhibits sheer brilliance and sparkle, that brightness which comes from right inside the diamond.
Polish & Symmetry
What do you understand with Polish? When diamond-grading professionals consider what Polish grade to assign, these experts regard the amount and visibility of any 'polish imperfections'. These may be any substances such as pits, chips, and scratches, polish lines or burn marks.
Why are Diamonds Special ?
Diamonds have always evoked a great deal of interest and appreciation among people. All those diamonds we see on people around us are at least 100 million years old. The process of diamond formation takes place about 100 to 200 miles below the surface of the earth (we have means to dig it out from such depths) under specific pressure and temperature conditions. It is these particular formation conditions that give the diamonds its excellent hardness, durability and optical properties. These diamonds are brought to the surface of the earth by very violent and deep-rooted volcanic eruptions. We haven’t seen such type of explosions in millions of years, and this is the primary reason for the rarity of diamonds. The fact of the matter is that diamonds still formed inside the earth, but we don’t have access to them.
Clarity Characteristics
Internal characteristics of a diamond may be classified as: cavities, cleavage, clouds, included crystals or minerals, feathers, internal graining, knots, laser drill hole, needle, pinpoint, or twinning wisp. External characteristics are abrasion, naturals, nicks, pits, polish lines, scratches, chips, breaks, grain boundaries, or extra facets.
Certificate of Authenticity
Each diamond is independently analysed and graded by GIA which is one of the most authentic, entrusted and respected laboratories in the diamond industry. This` report lists the specifications of diamond which includes its colour grade and clarity grades.
Diamond 4Cs
The cubic structure of carbon crystals in a diamond are cut to precision to meet the demands of the jewellery industry. Diamond cutting and polishing results in enhancing its optical characteristic.
Diamond Inclusions
Inclusion is a term given to any type of blemish that is found inside the diamond itself. Inclusions can affect the clarity of the diamond and can affect the value in a positive or a natural way, depending on what the final result is and the demand for that particular included stone. White diamonds are expected to possess no inclusions, while the famed black diamonds gain their colour from possessing many inclusions.
Diamond Blemishes
Blemishes are what is seen on the face of the diamond. Chips, scratches, and the roughness of the shape’s cut are examples of blemishes, largely from an accident. Blemishes can also occur from poor manufacturing or cutting techniques. Aspects of the diamond’s face such as a rough girdle or burn marks are examples of such mistakes. Many of these can only be seen through a large magnifying glass or a loupe.
Ideal cut diamond vs excellent cut
Diamonds are a precious stone that represents luxury and elegance. Because of its high-value scientists and gemologists have continuously studied its characteristics. Many establishments around the world dedicate their time to researching diamonds.
Diamond price
A diamond is more than just a beautiful piece of jewellery. Diamonds are a highly valuable lifetime investment. Due to its prestige and sentimental value, finding the perfect loose stone or bespoke jewellery requires more than just a simple price tag.
Fancy Colour
Diamonds can come in a variety of beautiful fancy colours. Learn more about fancy colour diamonds. Talk to a GemTrove diamond expert today.
Diamond Care
Taking care of your precious diamond jewellery is important. For maintenance and cleaning tips check out our diamond care section.
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